Adding tags to Contacts is a great way to keep your network organized, but it's a manual process that requires you to manage Tappers individually.
If you have an EasyText keyword, you can automated this process by sharing your app via EasyText and include a tag to automatically assign to new or existing Tappers.
To generate and assign a tag to a new Contact using EasyText, simply add a tag after your keyword and ask them to include that in their text, so instead of prompting trade show attendees or lunch & learn guests to "Text yourkeyword to 36260", ask instead for them to "Text yourkeyword #thistradeshow to 36260".
The text that follows the hashtag/pound sign (#) will automatically be included in the Contact record upon following the link for your app.
Has the same Contact attended both a trade show and a lunch & learn? No problem!
Keywords from different events in separate messages are all added to the "Tags" field in the Contact's record.