This documentation applies to Cardtapp managed Zapier integrations via webhooks:
429 Status Code
This status code indicates that the rate limit for webhook requests has been exceeded. Here are the scenarios where this can occur:
Each individual webhook will return a 429 status code after around 30 requests per second. This is to ensure a smooth delivery of hooks versus massive bursts. This includes both subscription webhooks and REST Hooks.
Legacy webhooks (which end with "/hooks/catch/abc123", instead of "/hooks/catch/1234567/abc123") will return a 429 status code after 1,000 requests received in a 5-minute window. This also applies to both subscription webhooks and REST Hooks.
200 Status Code
200 OK: The request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
200 Status Code with Delay
During periods of heavy webhook activity, Zapier might return a 200 status but still delay the processing of webhooks by several minutes. This is to manage the load and ensure efficient processing.
Webhook Throttling
If there's a large number of triggers or actions happening in a short span, they might be throttled to manage the frequency. Here are the specifics:
All webhooks are collectively limited to 10,000 requests in a 5-minute window. This includes both subscription webhooks and REST Hooks.
To ensure proper delivery of a webhook, it's recommended to retry delivery for any status code other than 200 from Zapier. It's also advised to use an industry-standard exponential backoff interval for retries.