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Share your app on Facebook

Learn how to share your app on Facebook

Updated over a week ago

Start by locating your app link:

Copy your unique URL from your dashboard by clicking the phone icon in the upper right corner and then selecting the copy icon on the right.

Or you can copy your unique URL from the menu in the Cardtapp Native app (formerly Tapptracker)

2. Start a new post. Paste your link and an update into the status update block and click "Post".

Tip: paste your URL and then delete the URL text from your post - your app will remain linked to your post!

Follow a similar process to share on other forms of social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)

How to share your app on Facebook using your EasyText keyword

1. Type a post prompting friends to text your keyword to 36260 and click "Post" - include a tag to track lead sourcing or to run a marketing campaign. Get practical examples of what this can look like here.

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