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Next-Gen Dashboard
Explore your lead management dashboard that acts as a lightweight CRM
16 articles
How to view referral partners that have installed your digital business card app
View app activity in the desktop dashboardHow to view recent app activity from the desktop dashboard
View referral partners in your desktop dashboardHow to view referral partners in your desktop dashboard
The Contact CardThe contact card displays a snapshot of each contact above your contact list.
Lead GroupsHow do lead groups work? When should I use them?
Log Notes on Contact Record(s)Notes help you keep track of details about your contacts.
Using contact tagsAdding tags is an easy way to categorize and manage your contacts, leads, and customers.
How to import contactsHow to import contacts from the dashboard
Delete contacts from your Desktop DashboardRemove contacts from your dashboard
Editing the email address for your existing contact
Updating your account informationUpdate your account contact information
'Not Provided' contacts/tappers?
Change app registration requirementsTo adjust the settings of your app registration page, log in to your desktop dashboard follow the guided tutorial below
Change the application's share messageSee how to view or change the text message that is sent when your app is shared